Charlie Smith thank you for replying but your return fire is from a blunderbuss. I would have to make a list too long to answer the matters you raise. In defence of modern archaeologists, at least those I know and have worked with and who are scientists: they do not lie, at least not professionally. It has to be said that the Kenyons, sixty years ago, worked within a different investigative frame at odds with today’s approach. Their digs took the Bible at face value and they attempted to find evidence for its veracity, similar to the way that the WTBTS only raises secular evidence if it appears to support its cause.
You quote the Bible in a similar way, you make assumptions that we work from these propagandistic stories. (Ten plagues, exodus etc.) This was the very point I was trying to make. As Vivian’s cat knows: it’s poop ‘cos it smells like poop. Archaeology is a science and so it textual criticism and these two disciplines supporting the historian's narrative, now show that the Bible has little factual foundation in the modern post-enlightenment sense of history. Because of the Catholic Church’s ownership of the Bible they had by total political control infused or rather infected all western learning with its teachings as if sacred, above criticism and duty bound to be held true. We have moved on from here.
You must be aware of the books by Israeli archaeologists Finklestein and Silberman The Bible Unearthed and David and Solomon. The lack of archeological evidence for the Exodus; that the Jews were never in Egypt en masse in the first place, there is no Egyptian record of them being there which there would have existed had it been true.
Alas! You have removed your nuttery!
But I do agree with you crazy guy; the impotent goat herders of the Canaan highlands had to borrow their myths from their awesome Egyptian neighbours...and that is the more important story which illuminates and explains the contents of the Bible. It is the pagan myths which are the important details of the Bible texts not the enslaving religious propaganda derived from it.